My good ole pal Richard. T showed up at the Rattlesnake, so I spent some time chatting with him. He told me that his boss pissed him off at work today. I guess his boss was giving him a hard time for not making too many sales... I’m glad I don’t work in the retail business. It’s such a stressful work environment for such little pay. After chilling with Richard. T for a bit, I called Tara to see how her appointment went. She said that she loves her new look and that I’ll love it too! I already thought she looked pretty damn cute, but I told her I can’t wait to see! Tara said that she got her eyebrows done, got some nice contacts for her eyes, and picked up some new makup. I wonder... Nah, I know she must be trying to impress me! Maybe she will be the one to finally ask and make this an official relationship!