- Some Alone Time
- Mmmm Pizza!
- Another Heckler Down
- Water All over the Floor
- Almost Got into a Fight
- Stephon's Not so Smooth Pick-up Line
- At the Oasis with Stephon
- Checking out the Museum
- Chilled out with My Cousin's Fiancé
- Began Planting a Garden
- Some Grilled Cheese Goodness
- Things Are Okay Now
- Got into an Argument with Genevieve at the Park
- My Toilet Broke Down
- Made Peace With an Enemy
- Calming Down With the Mirror
- Some Violin Practice and Yard Work
- Went to the New Nightclub Tonight
- My New Pet Frog and Another Day
- BBQ and Some Mischief
- My Cool Contact Card Holder
- Spent the Night at the Park